Saturday, September 11, 2010

Say What!?!?!?!

From CNN Breaking News email, "The Rev. Terry Jones says he has decided to cancel Quran burning -- "not today, not ever.""
I want everyone, Christian, Catholic, Orthodox, Jew, whatever and take a moment and breath.  Now, what they hell is wrong with you people!  America was founded by people seeking refuge from religious persecution and burning the Quran is tolerated, even if it was for just a mere moment of thought.  Not all Muslims are here to destroy America.  If that were the case, we would have a full fledged war on our hands on BOTH American soil and in whatever prodominant Muslim country we are currently NOT occupying. 
I am very proud that a man of the cloth, Rev. Terry Jones (if you even deserve that fucking title) has decided not to burn a religious book,  but if you expect anything from any decent, moderately intelligent human being you have got to be dreaming. The fact that you even have a podium is a gift, how you use it is a disgrace.  You should be ashamed of yourself!  Anyone who continues to follow this moron is a moron themselves.

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