Friday, August 6, 2010

People Can Call You Cappy!

Unemployment can be a beautiful thing, sometimes. Today unemployment is a great marker! It allows you to create your own schedule, go to a museum on blah Tuesday afternoon, start a blog and catch up with family and friends on leisurely conversations. Earlier today, my very excited baby brother Dimitrious called me because, well he loves me, but he ALSO had two specific events to tell me about. And just a like every great man, he starts off slow to keep you in their mysterious holding pattern. First he told me that yesterday he waited on one of my best friend's husbands and wanted to tell me about it. Total snooze fest, I know. But then he got to the cream. My baby brother, whom I love dearly, just inherited a boat! One of his best friend's fathers called him up last night to let him know that his son doesn't want it and that he felt that Meatie deserved it! So, F You heat and F You job market, I am going down to Austin and I am going to chill out on my brother’s boat!

Respectfully Yours,


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